Protecting Your Accounts from Theft (Least Privilege and Password Management)

Data breaches, bad password hygiene, and phishing attacks have exposed users’ credentials to the world. Too many people still reuse passwords across multiple Web sites.

I will talk about
1. The risks, with examples, of password re-use, and weak passwords.
2. What is, and how to use, multi-factor authentication
3. How to easily create strong passwords, and how to use a password manager to store the strong passwords so users’ only need to memorize their master password.

When users’ need help from a 3rd party to maintain, fix, or enhance their WordPress site, they usually share their admin credential, which is not a good idea. Often they share those credentials in a non-secure method.

I will discuss why it’s a bad idea to e-mail admin credentials, how to give temporarily give admin level access, than can be easily reduced or revoked. And with for “least privilege,” I’ll talk about the different levels of WordPress access, and that not everyone needs admin rights, depending on what their role or editing requirements are.

Here’s a post I wrote on this subject:



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