You’ve made a few WordPress websites. You‚Äôre proud and excited about what you‚Äôve accomplished. You get a few website clients. Soon, the headaches begin, staying up till 3 AM looking for the perfect theme, adding 435 products to an online store since that you didn’t specify in your proposal. You make a different mistake with each new project and it dawns on you that you’re making 3 bucks an hour, building websites for clients – and it’s so much harder than you thought.
What’s happening is that you’re stuck in the dreaded Bermuda Triangle of web designer’s hell. You don’t what you don’t know and you can’t see any way through it.
I’m not clairvoyant, I just told you my story. And, in this presentation, I’ll share with you how I got through this and what it will take for you to learn to price, close, create, and deliver effective WordPress websites and sail on to a great career.”