Flexbox in 15 minutes (Lightning)

So. We’ve got CSS-Grid. We’ve got CSS columns. What do we need Flexbox for? I think Flexbox is great in one direction – vertical, for that smallest phone view, or horizontal, for navigation. For those restricted cases, you can learn it in under 15 minutes. Ten, actually, since this is a lightning talk. Because Flexbox … Is what’s on the menu.

Embracing Gutenberg In Existing Code

An overview of the general concepts that govern development in the Gutenberg era.

Discussion of the different tricks & techniques you can use to gradually move your existing code from here to there, in a clean transition.

Gutenberg is a major change to how you develop software for WordPress. The changes will start with the WordPress editor but the long term plan is for Gutenberg to slowly take over the entire admin interface.

If you already have existing plugin or theme code that you need to maintain and make ready for the upcoming Gutenberg update, you will probably face some architectural design challenges. This session will help prepare you to make those changes in a clean transition.

Freelance to Agency: Taking The Leap

“Freelance to Agency: How To Make The Leap This talk is geared towards freelancers who are ready to turn their small business into a full agency. We will go over some of the basics and necessary steps to incorporate a business, and give some tips and advice for freelancers with the entrepreneur bug. This talk is a bit different from many “”how to start a business”” talks, as we will discuss some of the critical support systems needed, and mindset changes that need to take place, when shifting your company from a freelance business to a full agency. A quick rundown of what will be in the speech:

How to stop thinking like a freelancer.

Defining your staff.

Learning to delegate.

LLC vs S-Corp vs Corp: What you need to know, where to file, and how to find legal resources.

Finding the right support system of professionals to get your business started on the right foot.

Increasing prices to pay for your bottom line.

Find the right team members. An overview of how to hire, who to hire, and how to keep your employees happy.

Things to consider when seeking out an office, or location to headquarter your business.

Goal setting: think toward the future.”

WordCampNYC 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!