Bold Grid

BoldGrid is a website builder powered by WordPress. It is a free set of
WordPress plugins, themes, and other content that allows site creation and management similar to non-WordPress web builders. Created for both design professionals and corporate webmasters, BoldGrid is also being used by DIYers getting started with WordPress. Plugin features include full starter sites, simplified photo acquisition and editing, prebuilt pages, and a Drag and Drop Page Editor. Themes include easy Customizer navigation, full font control, built in
widgets, and, among others, infinite color palette control.
Experience WordPress as a website builder with BoldGrid

Author: Mikel King

20+yr Technology Leader, Public Speaker, Columnist, USCG Veteran, Brewer of beer, Coffee Evangelist. Currently the Sr WordPress Dev at Reader's Digest Association for He is an author at JAFDIP BSD News BitRebels Huffington Post Connections: Twitter: @MikelKing GitHub LinkedIn xbox1gamer-tag: MikelKing

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