Mika Epstein

Mika Epstein

Mika Ariela Epstein is better known as Ipstenu, the Half-Elf Rogue. Working for DreamHost, Mika helps make WordPress and hosting better for everyone. When she isn’t reviewing plugins she’s helping in the support forums and speaking at WordCamps worldwide about code and open source technology. A self-taught guru on Multisite and .htaccess, she has a passion for writing and technology and blogs about them whenever possible.


Author: Mikel King

20+yr Technology Leader, Public Speaker, Columnist, USCG Veteran, Brewer of beer, Coffee Evangelist. Currently the Sr WordPress Dev at Reader's Digest Association for RD.com He is an author at JAFDIP BSD News BitRebels Huffington Post Connections: Twitter: @MikelKing GitHub LinkedIn xbox1gamer-tag: MikelKing

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