Joe Pardo

Joe Pardo

Joe Pardo, a New Jersey-based dreamer, has always believed that society starts with you, and that to change society you must first change how you think.

In early-2014 Joe decided to leave his family’s $100 million business and pursue his dreams of owning his own business. Joe Pardo founded the motivational Dreamers Podcast [] to build his platform of helping others pursue their dreams.

By late-2015 Joe already has the resume to help elevate others to pursue their dreams.

Joe Pardo isn’t just a dreamer, he is a ‘doer’.


Author: Mikel King

20+yr Technology Leader, Public Speaker, Columnist, USCG Veteran, Brewer of beer, Coffee Evangelist. Currently the Sr WordPress Dev at Reader's Digest Association for He is an author at JAFDIP BSD News BitRebels Huffington Post Connections: Twitter: @MikelKing GitHub LinkedIn xbox1gamer-tag: MikelKing

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