Sponsor Spotlight: StickerGiant


Many thanks to StickerGiant for being the official sticker sponsor of WordCamp NYC!

StickerGiant are real heroes in the WordPress community, as they sponsor so many WordCamps. They are awesome people who are passionate about customer care and making great stickers.

Located in Boulder, Colorado – in a 100% wind-powered facility – StickerGiant offers one-on-one personalized service with sticker experts, full-color die-cut stickers with no die charge, and next business day shipping on most orders.

Try them out for your next sticker project!

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5 Responses to “Sponsor Spotlight: StickerGiant

  1. Megan says:

    Pics? I’d love to see what they did for you…

  2. Rindy Portfolio says:

    It’s a surprise!

  3. Megan says:

    After the conference, then? (We’re working on our promo materials for WordCamp Fayetteville. We had WP stickers last year, but something a little different would be a nice addition to the swag.)

  4. Rindy Portfolio says:

    Sure, no problem!